Public Interest Law
Giving back to the community is the foundation that builds a great law firm.
We enjoy the unique privilege of providing pro bono / low bono legal assistance to ensure marginalized people and communities have access to justice.
Pro Bono Services
When you engage us to provide you with our legal services, you are making a significant contribution to improve access to justice. For every hour of paid legal services we provided to a business client, we back one hour of legal services on a pro bono basis to individuals or organizations who need it most.
Low Bono Services
We also provide low bono legal services to entities and individuals of limited means who do not qualify for pro bono assistance, but cannot afford to obtain legal advice at a full-fee rate under the traditional law firm model. We offer alternative fee arrangements to our Low Bono clients and are committed to delivering quality and affordable legal services to those need it most.
Our Pro Bono Partners
We are proud to work with organisations such as the Australian Pro Bono Centre, Caxton Legal Centre and Lawyers Without Borders in promoting access to justice across Australia and the world by responding to their calls for help in providing pro bono legal services to persons of limited means.
Contact us
City Office: Suite 406 Level 4 10 Market Street, Brisbane City QLD 4000
Southside Office: 3 Clunies Ross Court, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113
+61 1800 296 899